Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Why do all the organisms respire ?

Video Solution
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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Respiration: Respiration is a vital process that occurs in all living organisms. It is essential for the survival of these organisms.

2. Energy Requirement: All organisms require energy to carry out various life processes such as growth, movement, reproduction, and metabolism. This energy is necessary for the functioning of cells and tissues.

3. Food as Fuel: The energy needed by organisms comes from food. However, food must be broken down into usable forms of energy through the process of respiration.

4. Types of Respiration:
- Aerobic Respiration: This type of respiration occurs in the presence of oxygen. It is the most efficient way to generate energy, as it produces a large amount of energy from the breakdown of food.
- Anaerobic Respiration: This occurs when oxygen is not available. While it produces less energy compared to aerobic respiration, it still allows organisms to generate energy to carry out essential life processes.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, all organisms respire to obtain the energy required for their life processes. Without respiration, they would not be able to sustain themselves or perform necessary functions.

