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What causes 'yawning'? What are the various situations under which yawning occurs?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Yawning: Yawning is an involuntary action, which means it happens without our conscious control. It involves the sudden opening of the mouth and a deep inhalation of air.

2. Physiological Process: During yawning, the mouth opens wide, and we take a deep breath through the mouth instead of the nose. This process helps to fill the lungs with air.

3. Causes of Yawning:
- Fatigue: One of the primary causes of yawning is tiredness or sleepiness. When a person feels very tired, they are more likely to yawn.
- Boredom: Yawning can also occur when someone is bored. The lack of stimulation can trigger this response.
- Transitioning States: Yawning may happen when transitioning between different states of alertness, such as waking up or preparing to sleep.

4. Situations Leading to Yawning:
- Sleepiness: When a person is feeling sleepy or drowsy, they often yawn.
- Boredom: In situations where there is little to no engagement or interest, yawning can occur.
- Contagious Yawning: Seeing or hearing someone else yawn can trigger yawning in others, indicating a social or empathetic response.
