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What are xylem and phloem? State the functions of xylem and phloem in plants .

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Xylem:
- Xylem is a type of vascular tissue in plants that is responsible for the transport of water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant. It is characterized by its tubular shape and is composed of both living and dead cells.

2. Functions of Xylem:
- The primary function of xylem is to transport water and dissolved minerals absorbed by the roots to the leaves and other parts of the plant. This process is crucial for photosynthesis and overall plant health.

3. Definition of Phloem:
- Phloem is another type of vascular tissue in plants, which is responsible for the transport of food substances, primarily sugars produced during photosynthesis. It is also tubular in shape but is made up of living cells that contain cytoplasm, although they lack a nucleus.

4. Functions of Phloem:
- The main function of phloem is to transport the organic nutrients (especially sugars) from the leaves, where they are produced, to other parts of the plant for growth, storage, and energy.

- Xylem: Tubular structure that transports water and minerals; composed of living and dead cells.
- Phloem: Tubular structure that transports food substances; composed of living cells with cytoplasm but no nucleus.

