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Describe how the increasing population is responsible for the depletion of water table.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Population Growth: The first step is to recognize that an increasing population leads to a higher demand for resources, including water. As more people inhabit an area, the need for water for drinking, sanitation, and other daily activities rises significantly.

2. Increased Water Consumption: With a growing population, the consumption of water escalates. This includes not only personal use but also water needed for agriculture, industries, and other sectors. The demand for water for irrigation in farming and for operations in factories increases.

3. Dependence on Groundwater: When surface water sources (like rivers and lakes) become insufficient to meet the rising demand, people turn to groundwater as an alternative. This leads to excessive extraction of groundwater, which is stored in aquifers beneath the earth's surface.

4. Depletion of Groundwater: Continuous and increased extraction of groundwater without adequate recharge leads to a significant drop in the water table. The water table is the upper level of an underground surface in which the soil or rocks are permanently saturated with water. When more water is taken out than is replenished, the water table drops.

5. Impact of Pollution and Urbanization: Additionally, urbanization and pollution can hinder the natural process of water infiltration into the ground. When land is covered with concrete and other impermeable surfaces, rainwater cannot seep into the ground to recharge the aquifers. This further exacerbates the depletion of the water table.

6. Conclusion: In summary, the increasing population leads to higher water demand, reliance on groundwater, excessive extraction, and reduced natural replenishment due to pollution and urbanization, all contributing to the depletion of the water table.

