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"Money is important for happiness". Express your views either for or against this statement.

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Money holds an important place in our day to-day lives. We need money for most things we are required to do. From education to travel to household expenses, man needs money. Without money life becomes difficult or at times impossible.
Money makes one powerful, wealthy, respected, and stylish, enabling him/her to live a lavish and comfortable life without any trouble or botheration. Many people believe that if one has money then he/she can get anything. All his needs and demands can be fulfilled with money. Perhaps they are right. In today.s world your social status is measured by your bank balance, your posh house and swanky cars that you possess. Your status is measured by the number of clubs that you are a member of or how many parties you throw to your friends and admirers during the week or month. If you have ample money you will always be surrounded by many people who pose or feign to be your admirers and well wishers. The fact that money can buy anything in the world justifies it to be the ultimate source of happiness in life. People consider themselves very lucky if they have got enough money to live a lavish life and spend that money in any manner they may deem fit. Thus for them it is the most important thing to get happiness, well being and almost anything under the sun.
Money is definitely a source of happiness to mankind. But the happiness that money gives you is not permanent since money is not likely to stay with you forever. People think that money can buy anything they need and is a guarantee to good life. It is true to some extent but not entirely. Money does not guarantee peace of mind and tranquillity since superfluous money gives birth to greed, arrogance and lust to have more. This desire is endless and invariably causes mental tension and health problems like high blood pressure, heart ailment and many more complications. Money is thus said to be a .necessary evil. in today.s life. In general, people having more money, have a rather narrow mindset and they would not like to part with their money. So they cannot be generous and are unwilling to help others.
We should be able to draw a distinctline between the good effects and bad effects of having money. Those who have more money should have a broader mind to help those who need money for living. A wealthy person can easily pay for the education of a meritorious student who does not have a wealthy background. The concerned person would remain ever grateful to him for his act of kindness. The future of a bright student will be secured. A person with limited resources may be happier than a person with unlimited resources because the former has faith in himself and in God. He is happy with whatever God has given him and does not hanker after more.
Too much money for one and no money for another is a perennial problem. As a consequence nobody is happy, the one with no money wants to earn some and the one with more money hopes to earn even more and enhance his treasure. Therefore, money cannot be considered as a lifelong source of happiness.
