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Avarage value of current for half wave rectifier having peak value of current I0 is


A. I02


B. I02


C. I0π


D. 2I0π

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The correct Answer is:C

To find the average value of current for a half-wave rectifier with a peak value of current I0, we can follow these steps:

1. Understand the Concept of Half-Wave Rectification:
- In a half-wave rectifier, only one half (positive or negative) of the AC waveform is allowed to pass through, while the other half is blocked. This results in a pulsating DC output.

2. Average Value Calculation:
- The average value of the output current over one complete cycle (which is 2π radians for a sine wave) can be calculated using the formula:
- For a half-wave rectifier, the current I(t) is I0sin(ωt) for 0tT2 and 0 for T2<t<T.

3. Setting Up the Integral:
- The average current over one cycle (T) can be expressed as:
- Since T=2πω, we can substitute T into the equation.

4. Evaluating the Integral:
- The integral can be evaluated as follows:
- The integral of sin(ωt) is:

5. Substituting Back:
- Now substituting back into the average current formula gives:
- Since T=2πω, we have:

6. Final Result:
- The average value of the current for a half-wave rectifier is:

Thus, the average value of current for a half-wave rectifier with a peak value of current I0 is I0π.
