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Generative cell of pollen grain


Has large irregularly shaped nucleus


Is spindle shaped


Is bigger in size than vegetative cell


Has abundant food reserve

Video Solution
Text Solution
Generated By DoubtnutGPT

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Structure of Pollen Grain:
- A mature pollen grain consists of two main cells: the vegetative cell and the generative cell.

2. Identifying the Vegetative Cell:
- The vegetative cell is larger in size compared to the generative cell.
- It has a large, irregularly shaped nucleus.
- This cell serves as a storage for reserve food.

3. Identifying the Generative Cell:
- The generative cell is smaller than the vegetative cell.
- It is located within the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell.
- The nucleus of the generative cell is spindle-shaped.

4. Analyzing the Options:
- The first option states that the generative cell has a large irregularly shaped nucleus, which is incorrect because this characteristic belongs to the vegetative cell.
- The second option states that the generative cell is bigger in size than the vegetative cell, which is also incorrect.
- The third option states that the generative cell has abundant food reserves, which is again incorrect as this is a feature of the vegetative cell.
- The fourth option correctly states that the nucleus of the generative cell is spindle-shaped.

5. Conclusion:
- Based on the analysis, the correct answer regarding the generative cell of the pollen grain is that it has a spindle-shaped nucleus.
