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Which of the following statement regarding entry of HIV into target cell is/are correct? A. The initial binding event occurs between viral Gp120 and CD, molecules. B. It belongs to genus Flavivirus. C. Viral entry proceeds through fusion of viral envelop with the target cell membrane . D. Only reverse transcriptase gain entry inside the target cell


A and B


B and C


C and D


A and C

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The correct Answer is:D

To determine which statements regarding the entry of HIV into target cells are correct, let's analyze each statement step by step:

Step 1: Analyze Statement A
Statement A: The initial binding event occurs between viral Gp120 and CD molecules.

- Explanation: Gp120 is a glycoprotein found on the surface of the HIV virus. CD molecules (Cluster of Differentiation molecules) are present on the surface of the target immune cells, specifically CD4+ T cells. The binding of Gp120 to CD4 is the first step in the infection process, allowing the virus to attach to the host cell.
- Conclusion: This statement is True.

Step 2: Analyze Statement B
Statement B: It belongs to genus Flavivirus.

- Explanation: HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) does not belong to the genus Flavivirus. Instead, it belongs to the genus Retrovirus. Flavivirus includes viruses such as dengue and yellow fever, which are different from HIV.
- Conclusion: This statement is False.

Step 3: Analyze Statement C
Statement C: Viral entry proceeds through fusion of viral envelope with the target cell membrane.

- Explanation: After the initial binding of Gp120 to the CD4 molecule, a conformational change occurs that allows the viral envelope to fuse with the host cell membrane. This fusion is essential for the viral RNA and enzymes to enter the host cell.
- Conclusion: This statement is True.

Step 4: Analyze Statement D
Statement D: Only reverse transcriptase gains entry inside the target cell.

- Explanation: While reverse transcriptase is crucial for converting viral RNA into DNA once inside the host cell, it is not the only enzyme that enters. Other viral proteins and enzymes also enter the host cell to facilitate the infection process.
- Conclusion: This statement is False.

Final Conclusion
Based on the analysis:
- Correct Statements: A and C are true.
- Incorrect Statements: B and D are false.

Thus, the correct answer is that statements A and C are correct.

Updated on:7/8/2024

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