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Explain hydraulic lift and hydraulic brakes.

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Hydraulic lift and hydraulic brakes are based on the Pascas Law.
Hydraulic lif : Here C and D are two cylinders of different areas of corss-section. They are connected to each other with a pipe E. Each cylinder is provoded eith airtight frictionless piston . Let a, A be the area.s of cross-sections of the piston at C and D (a<<A)
The cylinders are filled with an incompressible liquid. Let f be the applied force at C. Pressure exerted on the liquid
According to pascal law, this pressure is transmitted of cylinder D. Upward force at D will be F=PA=faA=f(A)a.......(2)
As A>>a
Heavy load placed on the larger piston is easily lifted. ocr_image
Hydraulic Brakes : When the break pedal is pressed, the piston (P) of the master cylinder is pushed inwards. There will be increased pressure on liquid at P. which is transmitted equally P1 and P2 of wheel cylinder in accordance with pascal law. Due to which P1 and P2 move outwards. Breakshoes to move away from each other which in turn press against the inner rim of the wheel. The brake becomes operative.
