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Write a brief note on semi technical description of a typical flowering plant.

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The plant is described beginning with its habit habitat, vegetative characters (root, stem, leaves) and floral characters (inflorescence, flower and its parts) followed by fruit. Then floral diagram and a floral formula are presented. In floral formula, Br stands for bracteate (bracts are present), Ebr stands for ebracteate (bracts are absent). Brl stands for bracteolate (bracteoles are present), Ebrl stands for ebracteolates (Bracteoles are absent). stands for actinomorplic % stands for zygomorphic flower. ocr_image stands for male flower, ocr_image stands for female flower, ocr_image stands for bisexual flower, K for calyx, C for corolla, P for perianth, A for androecium and G for Gynoecium. G stands for superior ovary ¯¯¯G stands for inferior ovary.
Floral formula also indicates the number of free or united (within brackets) numbers of the each whorl and also show cohesion or adhesion of stamens. Floral diagram-provides information about the number of parts of a flower, their arrangement and the relation they have with one another. The mother axis represents the posterior side of the flower indicates as a dot or circle at the top of the floral diagram. K, C, A and G are drawn in successive whorls. The bract represents the anterior side of the flower and is indicated at the bottom of the floral diagram.
