Amongst the following compounds, identify which are. insaluble, partially solable and. highly soluble in water?i. phenol - if toluene iii. formic acid iv. ethylene glycơl y. chloroform vi. pentanol.Solution in Malayalam
i. Below .65.8^circ C. plenol is only partially miscible with water but above this temperature it is miscible in all proportions.
ii. Toluene is insoluble in water.
iii. Formic acid is highly soluble in water.
iv. Ethylene glycol is highly soluble in water.
v. .CHCl_3. is insoluble in water.
vi. Pentanol is partially soluble in water because .therefore. OH group is polar but the large .C_5 H_(11). group is non-polar.
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View Solutionपहचानिए की निम्नलिखित यौगिकों में से कौन से जल में अत्यधिक विलेय , आंशिक रूप से विलेय तथा अविलेय है ।
(I) फीनॉल (ii ) टॉलूईन (iii ) फार्मिक अम्ल
(iv) एथिलीन ग्लाइकॉल ( v ) क्लोरोफॉर्म (vi ) पेंटेनॉल
View Solutionनिम्न यौगिक में से कौन - कौन से यौगिक जल में अविलेय आंशिक विलेय तथा अत्यधिक विलेय है -
(i) फ़िनोल , (ii) टोल्वीन,
(iii)फॉर्मिक अम्ल , (iv) एथिलीन ग्लाइकॉल
(v) क्लोरोफॉर्म , (vi) पेंटेनॉल ।
View SolutionAmongst the following compounds, identify which are insoluble, partially soluble and highly soluble in water. (i) phenol (ii) toluene (iii) formic acid (iv) ethylene glycol (v) chloroform (vi) pentanol.
View Solutionनिम्न में से कौन-सा यौगिक जल में अविलेय है, आंशिक विलेय है एवं अत्यधिक विलेय है, पहचान कीजिए-
(i) फीनॉल, (ii) टॉलुईन, (iii) फॉर्मिक अम्ल, (iv) एथिलीन ग्लाइकॉल, (v) क्लोरोफॉर्म, (vi) पेण्टेनॉल।
View SolutionAmongst the following compounds, identify which are insoluble, partially soluble and highly soluble in water (i) Phenol
View SolutionAmongst the following compounds, identify which are insoluble, partially soluble and highly soluble in water (iii) formic acid
View SolutionAmongst the following compounds, identify which are insoluble, partially soluble and highly soluble in water
(iv) ethylene glycol
View SolutionAmongst the following compounds, identify which are insoluble, partially soluble and highly soluble in water
(iv) pentanol
View Solutionपहेचानिय की निम्नलिखित यौगिकों में से कौनसे जल में अत्यधिक विलय आशिक रूप में विलय तथा अविलय है
(i)फिनॉल (ii)टॉलूइन
(iii)फार्मिक अम्ल
(iv)एथिलीन ग्लाइकों
(v) क्लोरोफॉर्म
View SolutionAmongst the following compounds, identify which are insoluble, partially soluble and highly soluble in water ?
(i) phenol (ii) toluene (iii) formic acid (iv) ethylene glycol (v) chloroform (vi) pentanol.
View SolutionAmong the following compounds, identify which are insoluble, partially soluble, and highly soluble in water ? a. Phenol b. Toluene c. Formic acid d. Ethylene glycol e. Chloroform f. Pentanol
View SolutionAmongst the following compounds, identify which are insoluble, partially soluble and highly soluble in water ?
(i) Phenol
(ii) Toluene
(iii) Formic acid
(iv) Ethlene glycol
(v) Chloroform
(vi) Pentanol.
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