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How is the presence of S O 2 detected?

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The correct Answer is: C a ( O H ) 2 + S O 2 C a S O 3 ( w h i t e ) + H 2 O
C a S O 3 + H 2 O + S O 2 ( excess ) C a ( H S O 3 ) 2 milkiness disappears.

To detect the presence of sulfur dioxide (SO₂), we can use two common chemical tests involving potassium permanganate and potassium dichromate. Here’s a step-by-step solution:

Step 1: Test with Potassium Permanganate (KMnO₄)

1. Understanding the Reaction: Sulfur dioxide acts as a reducing agent. When it reacts with potassium permanganate, it reduces the permanganate ion (MnO₄⁻) to manganese(II) ion (Mn²⁺), while itself being oxidized to sulfate ion (SO₄²⁻).

2. Writing the Balanced Reaction:
- The unbalanced reaction is:
- Balancing the reaction gives:
- This indicates that 5 moles of SO₂ react with 2 moles of KMnO₄ in an acidic medium.

3. Observation: Initially, the solution containing MnO₄⁻ is pink-violet due to the presence of permanganate ions. After the reaction, the solution becomes colorless due to the formation of Mn²⁺ ions, indicating the presence of sulfur dioxide.

Step 2: Test with Potassium Dichromate (K₂Cr₂O₇)

1. Understanding the Reaction: Similar to the previous test, sulfur dioxide reduces the dichromate ion (Cr₂O₇²⁻) to chromium(III) ion (Cr³⁺) while being oxidized to sulfate ion (SO₄²⁻).

2. Writing the Balanced Reaction:
- The unbalanced reaction is:
- Balancing the reaction gives:
- This indicates that 3 moles of SO₂ react with 1 mole of K₂Cr₂O₇ in an acidic medium.

3. Observation: Initially, the solution containing Cr₂O₇²⁻ is orange. After the reaction with sulfur dioxide, the solution changes to green due to the formation of Cr³⁺ ions, indicating the presence of sulfur dioxide.

The presence of sulfur dioxide can be detected using two tests:
1. Potassium Permanganate Test: Color change from pink-violet to colorless.
2. Potassium Dichromate Test: Color change from orange to green.

Updated on:18/9/2024

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