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Define 'Homogeneous Equlibria and Heterogeneous Equilibria'. Give two examples of each of them.

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2. Example 2:
Here, all species (acetic acid, ethanol, ethyl acetate, and water) are in the liquid phase.

Definition of Heterogeneous Equilibria:
Heterogeneous equilibria occur when the reactants and products are present in different phases. This means that at least one reactant or product is in a different phase compared to the others.

Examples of Heterogeneous Equilibria:
1. Example 1:
In this reaction, calcium carbonate and calcium oxide are solids, while carbon dioxide is a gas.

2. Example 2:
Here, water is in the gaseous phase, while carbon monoxide and hydrogen are also in the gaseous phase, but the reaction can also be represented with solid catalysts or other phases involved.
