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Define y=cos1(4x33x) in terms of cos1x

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To define y=cos1(4x33x) in terms of cos1(x), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Substitute x with cos(θ)
Let x=cos(θ). Then, we can express 4x33x in terms of θ:

Step 2: Use the identity for cos(3θ)
We know from trigonometric identities that:
Thus, we can rewrite our expression as:

Step 3: Substitute back into the equation for y
Now we can substitute this back into our equation for y:

Step 4: Apply the properties of the inverse cosine function
The function cos1(cos(x)) gives us x when x is in the range (0,π). Therefore, we need to determine when 3θ falls within this range:
- If 3θ is in the range (0,π), then:
- If 3θ is outside this range, we need to adjust it based on the periodicity of the cosine function.

Step 5: Determine the range of θ
Since θ=cos1(x), θ is in the range (0,π). Therefore, 3θ will be in the range (0,3π):
- For 3θ in (0,π) (which occurs when θ is in (0,π3)):
- For 3θ in (π,2π) (which occurs when θ is in (π3,2π3)):
- For 3θ in (2π,3π) (which occurs when θ is in (2π3,π)):

Final Expression
Thus, we can summarize our findings as:
y={3cos1(x)if 0θπ33cos1(x)2πif π3<θπ
