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Which of the following alkyl group are possible from iso-butene ?


Iso-Butyl & n-butyl


Sec. butyl & Ter. Butyl


n-butyl & Ter. Butyl


iso-butyl & Ter. Butyl

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To determine which alkyl groups can be formed from iso-butene, we will analyze the structure of iso-butene and the possible alkyl groups that can be derived from it.

1. Draw the Structure of Iso-Butene:
Iso-butene (also known as 2-methylpropene) has the following structure:
Here, the double bond is between the second and third carbon atoms.

2. Identify Possible Alkyl Groups:
- Tertiary Butyl Group (tert-butyl):
If we consider the carbon atom involved in the double bond (the second carbon), it can form a tertiary butyl group when a functional group is attached to it. This carbon is attached to three other carbon atoms (one from the methyl group and two from the propene chain), making it a tertiary carbon.
- Structure:
where R is the functional group.

- N-Butyl Group:
The terminal carbon (the fourth carbon) can also form a normal butyl group (n-butyl) when a functional group is attached to it. This carbon is attached to three other carbon atoms (one from the methyl group and two from the propene chain), making it a primary carbon.
- Structure:
where R is the functional group.

3. Secondary Butyl Group:
- A secondary butyl group cannot be formed from iso-butene because there is no carbon in iso-butene that is attached to two other carbon atoms and has a double bond that can be opened to create a secondary carbon.

4. Conclusion:
The possible alkyl groups that can be formed from iso-butene are:
- Tertiary butyl (tert-butyl)
- N-butyl (n-butyl)

Final Answer:
The alkyl groups possible from iso-butene are tert-butyl and n-butyl.
