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What happens when CO2 is passed through a lime water for short duration?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Components:
- Lime water is a dilute solution of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)₂).
- Carbon dioxide (CO₂) is a gas that can react with bases.

2. Reaction Between CO₂ and Lime Water:
- When carbon dioxide is bubbled through lime water, it reacts with calcium hydroxide.
- The chemical reaction can be represented as:

3. Formation of Calcium Carbonate:
- The product of this reaction is calcium carbonate (CaCO₃), which is a solid precipitate.
- Calcium carbonate is insoluble in water, leading to the formation of a white precipitate.

4. Observation:
- The presence of the white precipitate makes the lime water appear milky.
- This milky appearance is a clear indication that the reaction has occurred.

5. Conclusion:
- Therefore, when carbon dioxide is passed through lime water for a short duration, it turns the lime water milky due to the formation of a white precipitate of calcium carbonate.

