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Which of the following is not true for carbanions ?


The carbon carrying the charge the eight valence electrons


They are formed by heterolytic fission


They are paramagnetic


The carbon carrying the charge is sp2 hybridised

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To determine which statement is not true for carbanions, we will analyze the properties of carbanions based on the provided options.

1. Understanding Carbanions:
- A carbanion is a species where a carbon atom carries a negative charge. For example, in CH3⁻ (methyl anion) or CCl3⁻ (trichloromethide), the carbon has an extra electron, leading to a negative charge.

2. Analyzing Each Statement:
- Statement A: "The carbon carrying the charge has 8 valence electrons."
- In a carbanion, the carbon atom typically has 8 valence electrons when considering its bonding and lone pairs. For example, in CH3⁻, the carbon has three hydrogen atoms and one lone pair, totaling 8 electrons. Thus, this statement is true.

- Statement B: "They are formed by heterolytic fission."
- Carbanions can indeed be formed through heterolytic fission, where a bond breaks and one atom takes both electrons. For example, in the reaction of chloroform (CHCl3) with a base, the hydrogen is removed, and the carbon retains the electrons, forming CCl3⁻. Therefore, this statement is also true.

- Statement C: "They are paramagnetic."
- Paramagnetic species have unpaired electrons. In the case of carbanions, the extra electron that gives the carbon a negative charge fills the available orbitals, resulting in no unpaired electrons. Thus, carbanions are actually diamagnetic, making this statement false.

- Statement D: "The carbon carrying the charge is sp2 hybridized."
- Carbanions typically exhibit sp3 hybridization due to the presence of a lone pair and the bonds formed with other atoms. For example, in CH3⁻, the carbon is sp3 hybridized. Therefore, this statement is also false.

3. Conclusion:
- The statement that is not true for carbanions is Statement C: "They are paramagnetic."

Final Answer:
C: "They are paramagnetic."
