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Percentage ratio of energy in biomass production at one trophic level and that of the previous trophic level is :


ecological efficiency


assimilation efficiency


trophic level efficiency


more than one of these

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To solve the question regarding the percentage ratio of energy in biomass production at one trophic level compared to that of the previous trophic level, we can follow these steps:

1. Understanding Trophic Levels:
- Trophic levels refer to the different levels in a food chain, where each level represents a different stage of energy transfer. The primary producers (like plants) are at the first trophic level, herbivores at the second, and carnivores at the third, and so on.

Hint: Remember that each trophic level represents a step in the energy flow through an ecosystem.

2. Defining Biomass Production:
- Biomass production refers to the amount of organic matter produced by organisms at each trophic level. This production is a measure of the energy available at that level.

Hint: Biomass is essentially the mass of living biological organisms in a given area or volume.

3. Understanding Trophic Efficiency:
- The percentage ratio of energy in biomass production at one trophic level to that of the previous trophic level is known as trophic efficiency. This concept helps in understanding how much energy is transferred from one level to the next.

Hint: Trophic efficiency can be thought of as how effectively energy is passed along the food chain.

4. Identifying the Correct Term:
- The question asks for the term that describes this ratio. The correct term is "trophic level efficiency," which was introduced by the scientist Raymond Lindemann.

Hint: Look for terms that specifically relate to energy transfer between trophic levels.

5. Conclusion:
- Based on the understanding of trophic levels and the definition of trophic efficiency, we conclude that the answer to the question is "trophic level efficiency."

Hint: Always refer back to the definitions of ecological terms to clarify your understanding.

Final Answer:
The percentage ratio of energy in biomass production at one trophic level and that of the previous trophic level is called trophic level efficiency.
