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What is Hydroponics?Who discovered this technique?

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1. Definition of Hydroponics: Hydroponics is a method of growing plants without soil, where the plants are cultivated in a nutrient-rich water solution. This technique allows for the direct delivery of nutrients to the plants, promoting faster growth and higher yields.

2. Historical Context: The modern technique of hydroponics has its roots in earlier agricultural practices, but it was significantly developed in the 20th century.

3. Discovery of Hydroponics: The technique of hydroponics is credited to William Frederick Garrick, who made significant contributions to its development. In 1937, he conducted experiments by growing tomato vines that reached impressive heights of about 7.6 meters using a mineral nutrient solution in his backyard.

4. Location of Discovery: Garrick's work was conducted while he was associated with the University of California, Berkeley, where he began to popularize the concept of soilless culture.

5. Conclusion: Thus, hydroponics is essentially the culturing of plants in a nutrient solution, and it was discovered by William Frederick Garrick in 1937.
