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Describe various adaptations found in frog.

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Various adaptations found in frogs are : (1) cold-blooded animals : They are cold-blooded animals (i.e.. Poikilotherms), so their body temperature changes according to their surroundings. Therefore, they have adapted themselves to live on both, on land and in fresh water. They also show hibernation and aestivation, to cope with the harsh climatic conditions. (2) Comouflage : They have the ability to camouflage, i.e., to change the colour of the body according to the surroundings, so as to escape from its predators or catch their preys. (3) Hibernation and aestivation : Frogs are not seen in extreme summer and extreme winter because during these seasons, they live in an inactive state in their deep burrows to protect themselves from the extreme heat which is known as “summer sleep” or aestivation and also in extreme cold which refers to winter sleep or hibernation. (4) Nictating membrane : Frog’s eyes are provided with a third eyelid called nictating membrane which protects their eyes under water and from other infections.
