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Which part in cockroach is fundamentally analogous to nostrils of man:









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The correct Answer is:C

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks for the part of a cockroach that is analogous to the nostrils in humans. To answer this, we need to identify the respiratory structures in both organisms.

2. Identifying the Respiratory System in Cockroaches: Cockroaches have a complex respiratory system that consists of a network of tubes known as the tracheal system. This system is responsible for the exchange of gases.

3. Finding the Entry Points for Air: In cockroaches, air enters the body through valve-like openings located in the exoskeleton. These openings are crucial for respiration.

4. Naming the Openings: The openings through which air enters are called spiracles. Cockroaches have a total of 10 pairs of these spiracles.

5. Comparing with Human Nostrils: In humans, nostrils are the external openings of the nasal cavities, allowing air to enter the respiratory system. The primary function of nostrils is to facilitate the inhalation of air and the exhalation of moisture.

6. Establishing the Analogy: The spiracles in cockroaches serve a similar function to human nostrils, as both are openings that allow air to enter the respective respiratory systems.

7. Conclusion: Therefore, the part in cockroaches that is fundamentally analogous to the nostrils of humans is the spiracles.

Final Answer: The spiracles in cockroaches are analogous to the nostrils in humans.

