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Which of the following statements is incorrect?


Earthworm and leech are hermaphrodite animals.


Young ones of animals which have external fertilisation receive little or non-parental care.


If the egg is not fertilised, it is thrown out of the body along with the lining of the uterus as menstrual flow.


Sex organs in human beings are formed at puberty.

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To determine which of the following statements is incorrect, we will analyze each statement one by one.

1. Earthworm and leech are hermaphrodite animals.
- Analysis: This statement is correct. Both earthworms and leeches possess both male and female reproductive organs, making them hermaphrodites.

2. Young ones of animals which have external fertilization receive little or no parental care.
- Analysis: This statement is also correct. Animals that undergo external fertilization, such as many fish and amphibians, typically do not provide extensive parental care to their offspring.

3. If the egg is not fertilized, it is thrown out of the body along with the lining of the uterus as menstrual flow.
- Analysis: This statement is correct as well. In humans, if an egg is not fertilized, it is expelled from the body along with the uterine lining during menstruation.

4. Sex organs in human beings are formed at puberty.
- Analysis: This statement is incorrect. The sex organs in humans develop during the 7th to 8th month of fetal development, not at puberty. Puberty is the stage when these organs mature and become functional.

Conclusion: The incorrect statement is "Sex organs in human beings are formed at puberty."

