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Number of even numbers between 58 and 80 is









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Generated By DoubtnutGPT

To find the number of even numbers between 58 and 80, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the first even number after 58
The first even number after 58 is 60.

Step 2: Identify the last even number before 80
The last even number before 80 is 78.

Step 3: List all even numbers between 60 and 78
The even numbers between 60 and 78 are:
- 60
- 62
- 64
- 66
- 68
- 70
- 72
- 74
- 76
- 78

Step 4: Count the even numbers listed
Now, we will count the even numbers we listed:
1. 60
2. 62
3. 64
4. 66
5. 68
6. 70
7. 72
8. 74
9. 76
10. 78

There are a total of 10 even numbers.

Final Answer
The number of even numbers between 58 and 80 is 10.

