Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Construct a ΔABC in which A=60, B=45 and AB + BC + AC = 11.6 cm.

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To construct triangle ΔABC with A=60, B=45, and AB+BC+AC=11.6 cm, follow these steps:

Step-by-Step Construction:

1. Draw Line Segment AB:
- Draw a line segment AB of length 11.6 cm. Label the endpoints as A and B.

Hint: Use a ruler to measure exactly 11.6 cm.

2. Construct Angle A (60°):
- At point A, use a compass to draw an arc that intersects the line segment AB.
- Without changing the compass width, place the compass at the intersection point and draw an arc above the line.
- Now, place the compass at point A and draw another arc that intersects the first arc. Label the intersection point as P.
- Draw a line from A through P. This line forms A=60.

Hint: Remember that 60 can be formed by constructing an equilateral triangle.

3. Construct Angle B (45°):
- At point B, repeat the process to construct a 45 angle.
- Draw an arc from point B that intersects the line AB.
- Without changing the compass width, draw arcs from the intersection points to find the angle bisector. Label the intersection point as R.
- Draw a line from B through R to form B=45.

Hint: 45 can be constructed by bisecting a 90 angle.

4. Locate Point C:
- The lines drawn from points A and B will intersect at a point C. This point is where the two angles meet.

Hint: Ensure that the lines are extended enough to find the intersection point clearly.

5. Join Points A, B, and C:
- Draw line segments AC and BC to complete triangle ΔABC.

Hint: Use a ruler to ensure the lines are straight and accurately connect the points.

6. Verify the Triangle:
- Check that the sum of the lengths AB+BC+CA=11.6 cm.

Hint: Measure each side with a ruler to confirm the total length.

Final Notes:
- You have successfully constructed triangle ΔABC with the specified angles and perimeter.
- Make sure to label the triangle clearly for reference.
