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The HCF of 2472,1284 and a third number N is 12. If their LCM is 23×32×5×103×107. Find the number N.

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LCM=23×32×5×103×107 (given)
We know that HCF of the numbers is the highest number which divides all the numbers i.e, HCF is common to all the numbers.
So, N should be a multiple of 22×3.
Also, we known that LCM is the largest number that is divide by the given numbers. As LCM contains 32 so 32 must be in any of the 3 number necessarily.
So, it is only N which will contain 32.
Also, LCM contains 5 which will necessarily be in any of the 3 numbers. So, it is only N which will contain 5. Since LCM contains 103 and 2472 contains it so no need to having it in N. Similarly LCM contains 107 and it is in 1284. So, no need to having it in N....(2)
So, from above (1) and (2) cases of HCF and LCM , we are sure that
Although N can also be 22×32×5×103,22×32×5×107 and 22×32×5×103×107 i.e., 18540,19260 and 1983780
Some students solve this question as,
Product of numbers= Product of theri LCM and HCF
This method (also the answer) is WRONG because formula used in this method is applicable only for two numbers.
