The following passages some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
Youth generation has the key role in......(81).....the future of a nation. Any country can ride on high growth trajectory if it is blessed with the more numbers of youths on.....(82).....chart. But sometimes the youth may cause big damage to the.....(83).....of a nation and also may become biggest threat to the country itself if the youth get misguided with wrong human principle and.....(84).... Why they can do so is not difficult to guess. It is because the youth has huge amount of energy, ambition, new ideas, sky-rising potential etc. If these are applied by them in a.....(85).....sense then it can result into negative impacts of positiveness and goodness. Recent few unfortunate events have completely hammered our feelings and imprinted it in our mind such that.....(86).....of this bad events is not getting erased from our mind. This is an example of badly nourished youth.s mindset that created premeditated offending. It is very much compulsory to develop them in....(87).....direction from the very beginning of their schooling period. Today I feel the schools are more busy producing good professionals. But these professional sometimes may not be good human beings. It is because the schools are paying less attention towards human values learning. Literature is becoming.....(88)...... Everybody is busy in competition and trying to ride on the top in every competition. But nobody is ready to first become best human beings with high....(89).... . There was a time when teachers were getting respect everywhere with high morale and enthusiasm and human ethics was ruling the whole society. But today money is ruling the mindset of the people and goodness of the human characteristics is crying in a.....(90).....corner.
The correct Answer is:B
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