Read the passages carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives.
We live in a world where we are surrounded by constantly streaming images and voices of negative and rarely positive incidents. The constantly changing reality around us - the political scenario, the economic reforms, the communal tension, the climatic change, a part from personal setbacks and tragedies creates a depressing atmosphere and thus we are unable to remain in a happy and cheerful mood. Now, the question arises what exactly is happiness? To some, happiness is the state of mind where person is fully satisfied with respect to his needs and desires. While to some others, happiness is when the things are happening according to their whims. Thus, they depend upon circumstances which will make them happy or sad. For instance, the new car, the diamond ring or cute outfit makes a person happy. Indeed, it will be short-lived and will leave him longing for the next high. As of now the new car.s colour fades, the diamond collects dust, the outfits become outdated, the happiness is lost. After then, the new desires crop up and as we all know that a person.s desires are unlimited and rarely all the desires are fulfilled, thus making a person distressed as and when any of the desire is not fulfilled. This emphasizes upon the fact that fulfilment of a person.s desires decide the person.s happiness. True happiness is thus what we call LONG LASTING - well-being state of mind and which never fades away. To attain true happiness in our life, have positive thoughts, meditate, accept situations as it is, and stop worrying.
What can help us attain true happiness?
Respect needs and desires.
Focus on non-materialistic happiness.
Ignore the changing realities in our life.
Have positive thoughts, meditate, accept situations as they are and stop worrying.
The correct Answer is:D
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