In the following passages some of the words have been left out. Read the passages carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
Child labour has been an international concern because it damages, spoils and destroys the.....(91).....of children. The problem of child labour is a.....(92).....matter not only in India but also in other developing countries. It is great.....(93)..... problem. Children are the hope and future of a nation. Yet, there are millions of.....(94).....children in our country who have never known a normal, carefree childhood. The law of India says that any child below the age of 14 cannot be employed either in a factory or office or restaurant. In fact, India.s international business has been severely.....(95) many cases because child labours, .....(96).....human rights, have been used in some stage or the other in manufacturing, packaging a transport of those items. And, in a large .....(97).....of cases of export of ready-made garments, prawn and several other items from India has been.....(98).....on grounds of child labour being used. Truly speaking child labour is.....(99).....utilized in India in various places of production and service e.g., small scale industry, restaurant service, domestic aid, shopkeeper.s assistant, stone breaking, book binding, in fact, in.....(100).....household industry also.
The correct Answer is:A
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