The question below consist of a set of labelled sentences. These sentences, when properly sequenced form a coherent paragraph. Select the most logical order of sentences from among the options.
P: A certain moral code of conduct is ultimately necessary to ensure that the society does not fall prey to degeneration of values, which would lead to rampant sufferings and ultimately chaos.
Q: Society.s concerns are our concerns: anything capable of causing a detrimental impact on it in the short term or in course of time is ultimately bound to affect us and our children.
R: When we talk about social morality of any kind, what comes into play is our ability to feel for the well-being of our society.
S: It is a concern to help the society by safeguarding it from unwanted ills and malaise and ensuring its well- being that is at the root of social morality.
The correct Answer is:B
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