In the following passages, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.
The need of the hour is to.....(57).....value based education. The stress should be on the values such as patience, honesty, tolerance, sympathy, and love for fellow brethren and sisters. The students must be indoctrinated to keep values as....(58).....priority. The youngsters need not only to be taught how to develop their skills, talents, and abilities, they must also be taught how to use these skills, talents and abilities for the.....(59).....and betterment of all. Once values become everyone.s priority in life, all the negative aspects of life will automatically... (60)..... . The world.....(61).....needs people with high values to make it a better place to live in.
The correct Answer is:A
dwindleकम होना
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