Read the passages carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives.
The Berber, are a group of people indigenous to North Africa. In the Nalut district of the Tripolitania region, Ghadames, an oasis town is known as the "pearl of the desert". It is one of the oldest pre Saharan cities and a grand example of a traditional settlement. Flying over, I was surprised to see just houses and more houses. There didn.t seem to be any pathways or alleys. Puzzled I flew down to investigate. I found that each house is built in such a way that it hangs over the alleys creating an underground network of passages. The ground floor of the house is used to store supplies, the next floor is for the use of the family and the open-air terraces are reserved for women. They were talking a language I did not understand. I later learnt it was Ghadames, a Berber language.
Towards the end of the months for the three days the old city of Ghandames comes alive with freasting singing and dancing . It happens at the end of the date harvest . When all the work is done , the people head to the city.s World Heritage - listed old quarter to eat dates and celebrate . The people of the old quarter moved out the mid - 1980s, and live in the modern town . But , on this occasion they return to their family homes in the old city . They throw open the door for singing, dancing and other festivites . The covered alleys provied shelter from the hot Saharasum.
When are the 3 day of celebration ?
At the beginning of the date harvest
At the beginning of the holy month
At the end of the date harvest
At the end of the holy year
The correct Answer is:C
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