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How is sex determined in human beings ?

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The chromosome number in germ cells producing the gametes are diploid I .e., 2n .
2. It includes 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex - chromosmes I e., (44+XXor44+XY) . These germ cell divide by meiosis .
3. Due to this , gametes contain only haploid (n ) number of chromosomes i .e.,
4. two types of sperms are produced as (22+X)or(22+Y) whereas , oocytes are produced of only one type as (22+X ) .
Both , sperms and one type as (22+X )
5. Both sperms and oocytes are produced by meiosis .
6. In Case of sperms ,process of meiotic division is completed before the sperms leave male reproductive tract .
7. However , In case of oocytes process of meiotic division completes after ovulation i .e., during fertilization in the oviduct .
