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Write a short note on vacuole.s

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( 1 ) Vacuoles are storage sacs that contain liquid or solid materials inside the cell. br> (2) In animal cells they are few and smaller in size whereas in plant cells they are many and large in size.
(3) Vacuoles in plant cells are full of cell sap. They provide the turgidity and rigidity to the cell.
(4) Many substances such as amino acids, sugars and various organic acids are stored in the plant vacuoles.
(5) In animal cell like amoeba, vacuoles are used for storing and digesting food particles. Here they are named as food vacuoles.
( 6 ) In some unicellular organisms, excess of water and wastes are thrown out by a specialized vacuole called contractile vacuole.
(7) In some plant cells central vacuole occupies 50-90% of the cell volume.
