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Give the diagrammatic representation of nitrogen cycle in nature.
Give the diagrammatic representation of nitrogen cycle in nature.

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(1) Nitrogen cycle works in the following way in nature : Nitrogen passes from its elemental form in the atmosphere into simple molecules in the soil and water, from here it is converted to complex molecules like proteins in living beings and back again to the simple nitrogen molecule in the atmosphere.
(2) Nitrogen is abundantly present in the atmosphere (78%) but plants and animals are unable to take it up directly. Thus it is fixed.
(3) Atmospheric nitrogen is fixed by two main ways: (1) Biological nitrogen fixation and (2) Physical nitrogen fixation.
(4) In the soil there are two kinds of bacteria. One type is free living and others are symbiotic with the leguminous plants. Both these bacteria cause biological nitrogen fixation. In this process. nitrogen molecule is converted to nitrates and nitrites.
(5) In physical nitrogen fixation, the lightning causes conversion of almospheric nitrogen into oxides of nitrogen due to high pressures and temperatures created during lightning. These oxides dissolve in rain water and reach the soil through rainfall. From here then plants can utilize them.
(6) Other processes in the nitrogen cycle are ammonification, nitrification and denitrification.
(7) In ammonification, nitrogenous compounds are converted into ammonia. This is a decomposition process. The urine and excreta of animals also contribute to ammonia by break down of amino acids and proteins.
(8) When nitrites and nitrates are formed from ammonia it is called nitrification.
(9) When nitrates are converted back into nitrogen it is called denitrification.
(10) During the food chain, plants generally take up nitrates and nitrites and convert them into amino acids which are used to make proteins. These proteins and other complex nitrogenous compounds are consumed by animals. Upon death of animal or the plant decomposing bacteria in the soil convert the various compounds of nitrogen back into nitrates and nitrites. By process of denitrification, some bacteria convert the nitrates and nitrites into elemental nitrogen.
