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The vision is finest and sharpest in which part of the eye ?






Blind spot


Ciliary body

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The correct Answer is:A

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Question: The question asks about the part of the eye where vision is the finest and sharpest.

2. Identifying Key Terms: The key terms in the question are "finest," "sharpest," and "part of the eye."

3. Exploring the Eye Structure: The eye consists of several parts, including the retina, choroid, blind spot, and ciliary body. Each part has a specific function related to vision.

4. Focusing on the Retina: The retina is crucial for vision as it contains photoreceptor cells (rods and cones) that detect light and color.

5. Identifying the Fovea: Within the retina, there is a specific area known as the fovea. The fovea is a small depression in the retina that is responsible for sharp central vision.

6. Understanding the Function of the Fovea: The fovea contains a high concentration of cones, which are the photoreceptor cells responsible for color perception and detail. This concentration allows for the highest contrast and clarity of vision.

7. Conclusion: Based on the above analysis, the part of the eye where vision is finest and sharpest is the fovea.

Final Answer: The vision is finest and sharpest in the fovea.

