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How many of the following compounds will form acetic acid on reaction with acidic KMnO4 ?
Prop-1- ene, 2-Methylbut-2-ene, 2- Methylpropene,But-2-ene, Cyclohexene.

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The correct Answer is:3

To determine how many of the given compounds will form acetic acid upon reaction with acidic KMnO4, we need to analyze each compound based on the oxidation reaction with KMnO4, a strong oxidizing agent.

1. Identify the Compounds:
- Prop-1-ene: CH3-CH=CH2
- 2-Methylbut-2-ene: CH3-C(CH3)=CH2
- 2-Methylpropene: CH3-C(CH3)=CH2
- But-2-ene: CH3-CH=CH-CH3
- Cyclohexene: C6H10 (a cyclic alkene)

2. Understand the Reaction with KMnO4:
- KMnO4 cleaves the double bond in alkenes and converts the carbon atoms involved in the double bond to carboxylic acids (COOH) if they contain hydrogen atoms.
- If one of the carbons in the double bond does not have a hydrogen atom, it will be converted to a ketone instead.

3. Analyze Each Compound:
- Prop-1-ene (CH3-CH=CH2):
- The double bond is between CH3 and CH2. The carbon in CH2 has a hydrogen. Thus, it will form acetic acid (CH3COOH) and formic acid (HCOOH), which decomposes to CO2.
- 2-Methylbut-2-ene (CH3-C(CH3)=CH2):
- The double bond is between the carbon with CH3 and CH2. The CH2 has a hydrogen, leading to the formation of acetic acid (CH3COOH) from one side and a ketone from the other side.
- 2-Methylpropene (CH3-C(CH3)=CH2):
- Similar to the previous compound, the double bond involves a carbon with a hydrogen (CH2), leading to the formation of acetic acid (CH3COOH) and a ketone from the other side.
- But-2-ene (CH3-CH=CH-CH3):
- The double bond is between two carbons that both have hydrogen atoms. This will also lead to the formation of acetic acid (CH3COOH) from both sides.
- Cyclohexene (C6H10):
- The double bond is between two carbons in a cyclic structure, both of which have hydrogen atoms. This will also lead to the formation of carboxylic acids from both sides.

4. Count the Compounds that Form Acetic Acid:
- Prop-1-ene: Forms acetic acid.
- 2-Methylbut-2-ene: Forms acetic acid.
- 2-Methylpropene: Forms acetic acid.
- But-2-ene: Forms acetic acid.
- Cyclohexene: Forms acetic acid.

All five compounds will form acetic acid upon reaction with acidic KMnO4.

Final Answer: 5 compounds will form acetic acid.
