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Incorrect order of properties given in parenthesis are


Cl>S>F>O (Electron affinity)






O>C>B>N(Electron affintiy)

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The correct Answer is:A

To solve the question regarding the incorrect order of properties (electron affinity and ionization energy), we will analyze the trends for both properties step by step.

Step 1: Understanding Electron Affinity
- Definition: Electron affinity is the energy change that occurs when an electron is added to a neutral atom.
- Trend:
- Across a Period: Electron affinity generally increases from left to right due to increasing nuclear charge.
- Down a Group: Electron affinity generally decreases due to increasing atomic size and shielding effect.

Step 2: Analyzing Electron Affinity for Given Elements
- Elements: Oxygen (O), Sulfur (S), Fluorine (F), Chlorine (Cl).
- Expected Trend:
- F > Cl (Fluorine should have a higher electron affinity than Chlorine)
- O > S (Oxygen should have a higher electron affinity than Sulfur)
- Actual Trend:
- Due to inter-electronic repulsions in small atoms, the correct order is Cl > F and S > O.

Step 3: Understanding Ionization Energy
- Definition: Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from a neutral atom.
- Trend:
- Across a Period: Ionization energy generally increases from left to right due to increasing nuclear charge.
- Down a Group: Ionization energy generally decreases due to increasing atomic size.

Step 4: Analyzing Ionization Energy for Given Elements
- Elements: Oxygen (O), Nitrogen (N), Fluorine (F), and others.
- Expected Trend:
- O > N (Oxygen should have a higher ionization energy than Nitrogen due to its electronic configuration).
- Actual Trend:
- N has a higher ionization energy than O because Nitrogen has a half-filled p-orbital configuration (2s² 2p³), making it more stable and harder to remove an electron.

Step 5: Conclusion
- Incorrect Order: The question asks for the incorrect order of properties. Based on our analysis:
- For electron affinity, the incorrect order is Cl > F instead of F > Cl.
- For ionization energy, the incorrect order is O > N instead of N > O.

Final Answer
The incorrect order of properties given in parenthesis is:
1. Electron Affinity: Cl > F (should be F > Cl)
2. Ionization Energy: O > N (should be N > O)
