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which of the following example of intragenic inheritance was not discovered by Mendel?




Incomplete dominance


complete dominance



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The correct Answer is:D

To solve the question "Which of the following examples of intragenic inheritance was not discovered by Mendel?", we will analyze the options provided:

1. Co-dominance
2. Incomplete dominance
3. Complete dominance
4. None

Step 1: Understand Intragenic Inheritance
- Intragenic inheritance refers to the interaction of alleles within a single gene or locus. This can involve different patterns of dominance among alleles.

Hint for Step 1: Remember that intragenic inheritance deals with how different alleles of the same gene interact with each other.

Step 2: Identify the Types of Dominance
- Complete Dominance: This is when one allele completely masks the effect of another allele. This concept was introduced by Gregor Mendel through his pea plant experiments.

Hint for Step 2: Complete dominance is the classic Mendelian inheritance pattern where one trait is fully expressed over another.

- Co-dominance: In this case, both alleles are fully expressed in the phenotype. For example, in blood types, both A and B alleles can be expressed together (AB blood type). This was not discovered by Mendel.

Hint for Step 3: Co-dominance shows both traits distinctly without blending.

- Incomplete Dominance: This occurs when the phenotype is a blend of the two alleles. An example is the crossing of red and white flowers resulting in pink flowers. This was described by Carl Correns, not Mendel.

Hint for Step 4: Incomplete dominance results in a third phenotype that is a mix of the two parental traits.

Step 3: Analyze the Options
- Complete Dominance: Discovered by Mendel.
- Co-dominance: Not discovered by Mendel.
- Incomplete Dominance: Not discovered by Mendel.
- None: This option implies that all the examples were discovered by Mendel, which is incorrect.

Step 4: Conclusion
Since both co-dominance and incomplete dominance were not discovered by Mendel, the correct answer to the question is "None," indicating that none of the examples listed were discovered by Mendel.

Final Answer:
The correct option is None.
