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Which of the following is involved in the extraction of Ag from argentite ?









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The correct Answer is:C

To solve the question regarding the extraction of silver (Ag) from argentite (Ag2S), we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the Ore: Argentite is the mineral from which silver is extracted. Its chemical formula is Ag2S (silver sulfide).

2. Chemical Reaction with Sodium Cyanide: The extraction process involves treating argentite with sodium cyanide (NaCN). The reaction can be represented as:
Here, sodium cyanide reacts with argentite to form sodium argento cyanide (NaAg(CN)2), which is soluble in water.

3. Filtration: The solution containing the soluble sodium argento cyanide is then filtered to remove any insoluble impurities.

4. Precipitation of Silver: The filtered solution is treated with zinc (Zn), which reduces the silver ions and precipitates silver metal. The reaction can be represented as:
In this reaction, silver is precipitated out of the solution.

5. Conclusion: The compound involved in the extraction of silver from argentite is sodium argento cyanide (NaAg(CN)2), which is formed during the initial reaction with sodium cyanide.

Final Answer:
The correct answer is option C: NaAg(CN)2 is involved in the extraction of Ag from argentite.

