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Select the statements that is correct regarding arrhenotoky and thelytoky.


In arrhenotoky , only males are produced by parthenogenesis , while in thelytoky only females are produced by parthenogenesis .


In arrhenotoky , only females are produced by parthenogenesis , while in thelytoky only males are produced by parthenogenesis .


In arrhenotoky , only either males or females are produced by parthenogenesis , while in thelytoky only females are produced by parthenogenesis .


In arrhenotoky , only males are produced by parthenogenesis , while in thelytoky either males or females are produced by parthenogenesis .

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The correct Answer is:A

To solve the question regarding the correct statements about arrhenotoky and thelytoky, we will break down the concepts step by step.

1. Understanding Arrhenotoky:
- Arrhenotoky, also known as arrhenotokous parthenogenesis, is a type of reproduction where unfertilized eggs develop into males.
- This process results in the production of haploid males.
- Example: In honey bees, the queen produces unfertilized eggs that develop into drones (males).

Hint: Remember that arrhenotoky leads to the production of males from unfertilized eggs.

2. Understanding Thelytoky:
- Thelytoky is the opposite of arrhenotoky. It is a type of parthenogenesis where unfertilized eggs develop into females.
- This results in the production of diploid females.
- Example: Aphids and certain species of bees exhibit thelytoky.

Hint: Thelytoky results in females being produced from unfertilized eggs.

3. Analyzing the Statements:
- Statement 1: "In arrhenotoky, only males are produced by parthenogenesis while in thelytoky, only females are produced by parthenogenesis."
- This statement is correct as it accurately describes both processes.

- Statement 2: "In arrhenotoky, only females are produced."
- This statement is incorrect because arrhenotoky produces only males.

- Statement 3: "In arrhenotoky, either male or female are produced."
- This statement is incorrect as arrhenotoky specifically results in males only.

- Statement 4: "In arrhenotoky, only males are produced by parthenogenesis while in thelytoky, either males or females are produced by parthenogenesis."
- This statement is incorrect because thelytoky specifically produces females, not either gender.

4. Conclusion:
- The correct statement regarding arrhenotoky and thelytoky is the first statement: "In arrhenotoky, only males are produced by parthenogenesis while in thelytoky, only females are produced by parthenogenesis."

Final Answer:
- The correct statement is: In arrhenotoky, only males are produced by parthenogenesis while in thelytoky, only females are produced by parthenogenesis.
