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Which alkene will give optically inactive product with Br2/CCl4 ?


1- butene




cis - 2 - butene


trans - 2 - butene

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The correct Answer is:D

To determine which alkene will give an optically inactive product with Br2/CCl4, we need to analyze the structures of the given alkenes and their reactions with bromine.

Step 1: Understand Optical Activity
Optical activity is related to the presence of chiral centers in a molecule. A chiral center is typically a carbon atom that is bonded to four different substituents. If a compound has no chiral centers, it is considered optically inactive.

Hint: Remember that a molecule is optically inactive if it does not have any chiral carbon atoms.

Step 2: Analyze the Given Alkenes
1. 1-Butene (C4H8):
- Structure: CH2=CHCH2CH3
- Reaction with Br2/CCl4:
- The addition of bromine across the double bond will yield CH2BrCH(Br)CH2CH3.
- This product has a chiral carbon, making it optically active.

Hint: Check if the product has any carbon with four different groups.

2. Propene (C3H6):
- Structure: CH3CH=CH2
- Reaction with Br2/CCl4:
- The addition of bromine will yield CH3CH(Br)CH2Br.
- This product also has a chiral carbon, making it optically active.

Hint: Look for symmetry in the product; if there are two identical groups on a carbon, it may be chiral.

3. Cis-2-Butene (C4H8):
- Structure: CH3CH=CHCH3 (cis configuration)
- Reaction with Br2/CCl4:
- The product will be a racemic mixture of two enantiomers, making it optically active.

Hint: Consider the arrangement of groups around the double bond.

4. Trans-2-Butene (C4H8):
- Structure: CH3CH=CHCH3 (trans configuration)
- Reaction with Br2/CCl4:
- The addition of bromine will yield a meso compound, which has a plane of symmetry.
- Since meso compounds are not chiral, this product is optically inactive.

Hint: Identify if the product has a plane of symmetry, which indicates it may be a meso compound.

Step 3: Conclusion
Among the given options, trans-2-butene is the alkene that will give an optically inactive product when reacted with Br2/CCl4 because it forms a meso compound.

Final Answer
Trans-2-butene will give an optically inactive product with Br2/CCl4.
