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What is the number of chambers in the heart of periplaneta americana ?


2 chambers


4 chambers


13 chambers


11 chambers

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The correct Answer is:C

To determine the number of chambers in the heart of Periplaneta americana (the cockroach), we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the Organism: Recognize that Periplaneta americana is the scientific name for the cockroach.

2. Locate the Heart: Understand that the heart of the cockroach is located mid-dorsally, meaning it is situated along the back of the organism.

3. Understand the Structure of the Heart: The heart of the cockroach is described as pulsatile, indicating that it functions by contracting and relaxing to pump hemolymph (the insect equivalent of blood).

4. Count the Chambers: The heart consists of 13 segmentally arranged funnel-shaped chambers. This means that there are 13 distinct sections in the heart.

5. Note the Features of the Chambers: Each of the 13 chambers (except the last one) has a pair of small lateral apertures called ostia. These ostia allow hemolymph to enter the heart from the pericardial sinus.

6. Conclusion: Based on the information gathered, we conclude that the heart of Periplaneta americana has 13 chambers.

Final Answer:
The number of chambers in the heart of Periplaneta americana is 13.

