Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Solve the following equations: ||x1|e|=3

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To solve the equation ||x1|e|=3, we will break it down step by step.

Step 1: Introduce a substitution
Let y=|x1|. The equation now becomes:

Step 2: Solve the absolute value equation
The equation |ye|=3 gives us two cases:
1. ye=3
2. ye=3

Step 3: Solve the first case
From the first case:

Step 4: Solve the second case
From the second case:

Step 5: Substitute back for y
Recall that y=|x1|. We now have two equations to solve:
1. |x1|=3+e
2. |x1|=e3

Step 6: Solve the first equation |x1|=3+e
This gives us two sub-cases:
1. x1=3+ex=4+e
2. x1=(3+e)x=2e

Step 7: Solve the second equation |x1|=e3
This also gives us two sub-cases:
1. x1=e3x=e2
2. x1=(e3)x=4e

Step 8: Compile all solutions
The solutions to the original equation are:
1. x=4+e
2. x=2e
3. x=e2
4. x=4e

Final Answer
The complete set of solutions is:

