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A function f ( x ) takes a domain D onto a range R if for each y R , there is some x D for which f ( x ) = y . Number of function that can be defined from the domain D = { 1 , 2 , 3 } onto the range R = { 4 , 5 } is 5 (2) 6 (3) 7 (4) 8

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To solve the problem of finding the number of onto functions from the domain D={1,2,3} to the range R={4,5}, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Definitions
An onto function (or surjective function) means that every element in the codomain must have at least one pre-image in the domain. In this case, both elements of R (which are 4 and 5) must be mapped to by at least one element from D.

Step 2: Calculate Total Functions
First, we calculate the total number of functions from D to R. The number of functions from a set with m elements to a set with n elements is given by nm.

Here, |D|=3 (elements: 1, 2, 3) and |R|=2 (elements: 4, 5). Thus, the total number of functions is:
Total Functions=|R||D|=23=8

Step 3: Use the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle
Next, we need to find the number of onto functions. We can use the principle of inclusion-exclusion to count the number of functions that are not onto and subtract that from the total.

1. Count functions that do not map to 4: If no element maps to 4, then all elements of D must map to 5. There is only 1 such function: f(1)=5,f(2)=5,f(3)=5.

2. Count functions that do not map to 5: Similarly, if no element maps to 5, then all elements of D must map to 4. Again, there is only 1 such function: f(1)=4,f(2)=4,f(3)=4.

Step 4: Apply Inclusion-Exclusion
Now, we can apply the inclusion-exclusion principle:
Number of functions that are not onto=(functions not mapping to 4)+(functions not mapping to 5)=1+1=2

Step 5: Calculate the Number of Onto Functions
Now, we subtract the number of functions that are not onto from the total number of functions:
Number of onto functions=Total FunctionsNumber of functions that are not onto=82=6

Thus, the number of onto functions from the domain D to the range R is 6.

Final Answer
The number of onto functions from D={1,2,3} to R={4,5} is 6.

