Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

In how many ways 12 different things can be divided equally among 3 persons? Also find in how many ways can these 12 things be divided in three sets each having 4 things.

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To solve the problem of dividing 12 different things among 3 persons and then dividing them into three sets of 4 things each, we will tackle each part step by step.

Part 1: Dividing 12 different things equally among 3 persons

1. Select 4 things for the first person:
We can choose 4 items from the 12 available items. The number of ways to choose 4 items from 12 is given by the combination formula (nr), which is calculated as:

2. Select 4 things for the second person:
After selecting 4 items for the first person, we have 8 items left. Now, we choose 4 items from these 8 for the second person:

3. Assign the remaining 4 items to the third person:
The last 4 items automatically go to the third person. The number of ways to choose these 4 items is:

4. Calculate the total arrangements:
The total number of ways to distribute the items among the three persons is the product of the combinations calculated above:
Total ways=(124)×(84)×(44)

5. Simplify the expression:
Substituting the values we calculated:
Total ways=12!4!8!×8!4!4!×1=12!(4!)3

Part 2: Dividing 12 things into three sets of 4 things each

1. Select 4 things for the first set:
Similar to the first part, we choose 4 items from 12:

2. Select 4 things for the second set:
Next, we choose 4 items from the remaining 8:

3. Select 4 things for the third set:
Finally, we choose the last 4 items:

4. Account for the indistinguishability of the sets:
Since the sets are indistinguishable, we divide by the number of ways to arrange the 3 sets, which is 3!:
Total ways=(124)×(84)×(44)3!

5. Substituting the combinations:
Total ways=12!4!8!×8!4!4!×13!=12!(4!)3×3!

Final Answers:
1. The number of ways to divide 12 different things equally among 3 persons is:

2. The number of ways to divide these 12 things into three sets of 4 items each is:
