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Number of ways in which the number 44100 can be resolved as a product of two factors which are relatively prime is (A) 7 (B) 15 (C) 8 (D) 16

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To solve the problem of finding the number of ways in which the number 44100 can be resolved as a product of two factors that are relatively prime, we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Factor the number 44100
First, we need to factor 44100 into its prime factors.

44100 can be expressed as:

Next, we factor each of these components:
- 441=212=32×72
- 100=102=22×52

Thus, we can rewrite 44100 as:

Step 2: Identify the prime factors
The prime factors of 44100 are:
- 2
- 3
- 5
- 7

Step 3: Determine the combinations for relatively prime factors
To form two factors that are relatively prime, we can assign each prime factor to either of the two factors (let's call them A and B) in such a way that they do not share any prime factors.

For each prime factor, we have two choices:
1. Assign it to factor A
2. Assign it to factor B

Since we have four prime factors (2, 3, 5, and 7), the number of ways to assign these factors is:

Step 4: Adjust for overcounting
In the previous step, we counted each pair of factors twice (once as A × B and once as B × A). Therefore, we need to divide the total by 2 to avoid double counting.

Thus, the number of ways to resolve 44100 as a product of two relatively prime factors is:

Final Answer
The number of ways in which the number 44100 can be resolved as a product of two factors which are relatively prime is 8. Therefore, the answer is (C) 8.

