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Find the coefficient of x99andx98 in the polynomial (x1)(x2)(x3)..(x100).

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To find the coefficients of x99 and x98 in the polynomial P(x)=(x1)(x2)(x3)(x100), we will follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the Polynomial
The polynomial P(x) is a product of 100 linear factors, which means it is a polynomial of degree 100. The general form of a polynomial of degree n is:


In our case, n=100.

Step 2: Find the Coefficient of x99
The coefficient of x99 (denoted as a99) is given by the negative sum of the roots of the polynomial. The roots of P(x) are 1,2,3,,100.

To find the sum of the roots:

Sum of roots=1+2+3++100=100×1012=5050

Thus, the coefficient a99 is:

a99=(Sum of roots)=5050

Step 3: Find the Coefficient of x98
The coefficient of x98 (denoted as a98) is given by the sum of the products of the roots taken two at a time.

To find this, we can use the formula for the sum of products of the first n natural numbers taken two at a time:

Sum of products of roots taken two at a time=n(n+1)(n1)6

For n=100:

Sum of products=100×101×996=166650

Thus, the coefficient a98 is:

a98=Sum of products of roots taken two at a time=166650

Final Results
- The coefficient of x99 is 5050.
- The coefficient of x98 is 166650.
