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3k=0(1+cos (2k+1)π8)=

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To solve the problem 3k=0(1+cos((2k+1)π8)), we will evaluate the product step by step.

Step 1: Evaluate the product for each value of k

We will substitute the values of k from 0 to 3 into the expression 1+cos((2k+1)π8).

- For k=0:

- For k=1:

- For k=2:

- For k=3:

Step 2: Rewrite the cosine terms

Using the identity cos(πx)=cos(x):

- cos(5π8)=cos(π3π8)=cos(3π8)
- cos(7π8)=cos(ππ8)=cos(π8)

Thus, we can rewrite the product as:

Step 3: Simplify the product

Now we can group the terms:

Using the identity (1+x)(1x)=1x2:

Step 4: Use the sine identity

Since 1cos2(x)=sin2(x):

Step 5: Calculate the sine values

Using the identity sin(3π8)=cos(π8):

Step 6: Final expression

Using the identity sin(x)cos(x)=12sin(2x):

Final Answer
Thus, the final result is:
