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Find the length of perpendicular from the piont A(1,4,2) to the line joining P(2,1,2)andQ(0,5,1)

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To find the length of the perpendicular from the point A(1,4,2) to the line joining points P(2,1,2) and Q(0,5,1), we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the position vectors of points A, P, and Q.
The position vectors can be expressed as:
- A=142
- P=212
- Q=051

Step 2: Find the direction vector of line PQ.
The direction vector PQ can be calculated as:

Step 3: Find the vector from point P to point A.
The vector PA can be calculated as:

Step 4: Find the cross product PA×PQ.
To find the cross product, we set up the determinant:


Calculating this determinant:
Calculating each of the 2x2 determinants:

Step 5: Calculate the magnitude of the cross product.
The magnitude of PA×PQ is:

Step 6: Calculate the magnitude of the direction vector PQ.

Step 7: Calculate the perpendicular distance.
The length of the perpendicular from point A to the line PQ is given by:

Final Answer:
Thus, the length of the perpendicular from point A to the line joining points P and Q is:
