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Find the projection of the line segment joining (2,-1,3) and (4, 2, 5) on a line which makes equal acute angles with co-ordinate axes.

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To find the projection of the line segment joining the points P(2,1,3) and Q(4,2,5) on a line that makes equal acute angles with the coordinate axes, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the direction vector of the line segment PQ
The direction vector PQ can be calculated as:

Step 2: Find the direction cosines of the line making equal angles with the coordinate axes
Since the line makes equal acute angles with the coordinate axes, the direction cosines cosα,cosβ,cosγ are equal. Let cosα=cosβ=cosγ=k.

From the property of direction cosines:
Substituting k:
Thus, the direction cosines are:

Step 3: Determine the direction vector of the line with these direction cosines
The direction vector V corresponding to these direction cosines can be expressed as:
where λ is a scalar.

Step 4: Calculate the projection of PQ onto V
The projection of vector PQ onto vector V is given by:

Step 4.1: Compute PQV
Calculating the dot product:

Step 4.2: Compute |V|2
Calculating the magnitude squared of V:

Step 4.3: Substitute into the projection formula
Now substituting back into the projection formula:
Substituting V:

Final Answer
The projection of the line segment joining the points (2,1,3) and (4,2,5) on the line that makes equal acute angles with the coordinate axes is:
